Bucket Type steam traps
As mentioned in my previous post the inverted bucket steam trap is a mechanical trap classified as a density operated steam trap which operates on the difference in density between steam and water.
The accompanying sketch below shows the constructional details of an Inverted Bucket Trap.
As the name implies the working portion of the Trap consists of an Inverted Bucket attached through a lever mechanism to a valve. A vent hole provided in the flat bottom of the Inverted Bucket is essential for initial venting of the cold air during start up operation. Similarly a water seal must be maintained at the bottom rim of the bucket to prevent blowing of live steam.
* Limited capacity as far as venting of cold air during start up is concerned.
* Must maintain water seal. Loss of water seal will defeat the functioning of the Trap.
* All Inverted Bucket Traps incur some amount of steam loss (bubbling through the venthole).
* The condensate discharge is not continuous. Hence reduced heat transfer efficiency.
* The above traps are suitable for operating at fairly high pressures.
* The above traps have a fairly high resistance to water hammer since the condensate /steam is lead to a reasonably large volume of the bucket.
* The above traps must be protected from freezing under subzero ambient conditions.